R 9,540,000

Farm for sale in Polokwane Rural, Polokwane

Land Size

Cattle and Irrigation Farm

This 586Ha farm with excellent grazing is divided into 7 camps each with their own water troughs for cattle. Cattle handling facilities in certain areas of the farm and a large storeroom built with brick and corrugated roof.

Property has 3 Eskom points of which one is a Ruralflex point, with reduced tariffs on certain days and no tariffs charged on Sundays. A large lined dam and 8 boreholes supply plenty of water for irrigation and animals. A 2 tower centre pivot irrigating roughly 7 hectares in place supplied by borehole. Registration of water rights for 14ha of irrigation is in process.

Farm is well fenced all round with cattle fencing on the inner camps. There are 2 outbuildings with rooms and a communal bathroom for staff with electricity and water and hot water supplied by solar geyser.

No land claims!!

R 9 540 000 excl vat

Property overview

 Land Size
586 ha
 Property Ref

What this place offers

Profile Picture
Louise Jansen
• S H A R E •

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